19.09.1998 – 06.12.1998

1998 marked the 550th anniversary of the laying of the first stone of the famous late Gothic Town Hall of Leuven. The City Hall is not only Leuven’s landmark but also could be described as a main witness of its eventful history. The three story high Brabantine building with its 236 statues (which were only added in the 19th century) has already “experienced” turbulent times of both crises and festive events and today is rightly held as one of to the most famous city halls in the world. This exhibition explained the history of the Stadhuis in great detail, and gave an overview through objects and documents dating from its earliest construction campaigns until the most recent repairs in 1983, as well as Christo’s performance of wrapping the Stadhuis in 1993.

Partners: KU Leuven, Museum for Old Techniques Grimbergen, Municipal Museum Vander Kelen – Mertens.

Maurits Smeyers en Rita Van Dooren (eds.), exhib. cat., Het Leuvense Stadhuis. Pronkjuweel van de Brabantse gotiek. (Leuven, City hall), Leuven: Peeters, 1998.