Ethan Matt Kavaler is Director of the Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies and Professor of Art History at the University of Toronto. A specialist of northern European art of the early modern period across multiple media, he is the author of Pieter Bruegel, Parables of Order and Enterprise (1999) and Renaissance Gothic, Architecture and the Arts in Northern Europe 1470-1540 (2012). He has written many articles on notions of embodiment, performative engagement, affective piety, ornament and aesthetics, Bruegel and ideology, the rise of secular painting in the Netherlands, the politics of court sculpture, and the stunning revival of Late Gothic architecture in the early modern period. He helped organize the exhibition Borman: A Family of Northern Renaissance Sculptors (Leuven: M-Museum, 2019). He holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Liège and is a member of the Royal Academy of Archeology of Belgium. He has served on the board of the Historians of Netherlandish Art and is a member of the Arbeitskreis Niederländische Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte. His book on Netherlandish sculpture of the sixteenth century is forthcoming.