After completing Master programs in History (University of Leuven, 2010) and Archival Studies (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2011), Maarten Bassens (°1988) became an active member of the Belgian cultural sector. In 2011 and 2012, he worked as a scientific collaborator for the renewed Kazerne Dossin and the Museum of the National Bank of Belgium. Later on, he was hired as a curator by several prominent art collectors. Over the years, Maarten also participated in multiple exhibition projects such as Renaissance Drawings from Private Antwerp Collections (Antwerp, Museum Mayer van den Bergh, 25 Oct. 2014-25 Jan. 2015), Faces Then. Renaissance portraiture in the Low Countries (Brussels, Bozar, 6 Febr.-17 May 2015) and In Search of Utopia (Leuven, M-Museum, 20 Oct. 2016-17 Jan. 2017).
In 2016, Maarten graduated as a Master in Art History (University of Leuven, 2016) with a thesis on the peintre-graveur Frans Crabbe van Espleghem (c. 1480-1553), supervised by Prof. Jan Van der Stock. Since November of the same year, he conducts research as a PhD Fellow affiliated with the interdisciplinary FINGERPRINT project (Belspo 2016-2020). The FINGERPRINT project (Innovative Visual Data Management for Drawings and Prints) is a four-year research collaboration (2016-2020) of the Print Room of the Royal Library of Belgium and three KU Leuven teams: Illuminare – Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Art (KU Leuven) & the Book Heritage Lab-KU Leuven, the Imaging Lab of the University Library and ESAT, KU Leuven. The current research of Maarten Bassens is supervised byProf. Lieve Watteeuw and Prof. Jan Van der Stock and focuses on the edition history of the Bruegel prints.