Inaugural Lecture: “Rocks and Tears. Niobe’s Fate as Dynamics of Form”
On 9 may, prof. Barbara Baert held the inaugural lecture entitled “Rocks and Tears. Niobe’s Fate as Dynamics of Form” for her Professur der Aby-Warburg-Stiftung 2023.
On 9 may, prof. Barbara Baert held the inaugural lecture entitled “Rocks and Tears. Niobe’s Fate as Dynamics of Form” for her Professur der Aby-Warburg-Stiftung 2023.
The Pionier Award 2023 was awarded to Prof Lieve Watteeuw and the team of the Book Heritage Lab and VIEW, for their pioneering research on medieval miniatures with new laboratory techniques, particularly on the Anjou Bible.
The website for the 23rd Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting- ‘Cross-Media Perspectives
Technical Studies of Art on Panel, Paper and Parchment (1400-1600)’ has been launched. The registration form and call for papers can be found on the site for those wishing to attend the symposium or submit a paper for consideration.
Wendy Wauters, associated researcher bij Illuminare, neemt je mee naar de zinderende 16de eeuw alsof je er zelf bij was
Out now: “Born to be Glorified” Assumptionist Altarpieces in the Final Phase of the Spanish ‘Reconquista’. In his latest publication, Paul Vandenbroeck discusses Hans Memling’s altarpiece for the high altar of Santa María la Real in Nájera (1483-1494), one of the most spectacular Flemish art works in the Iberian Peninsula.
Professor en conservator-restaurateur Lieve Watteeuw onthult alles wat we kunnen leren van Besloten Hofjes: mystieke mixed-media retabelkasten uit de tijd van Karel V en Margaretha van Oostenrijk, van top tot teen bezet met zijden bloemen, houten sculptuurtjes, inscripties in koraal of glas, stoffelijke resten en hier en daar een eeuwenoud verborgen briefje.
Tijdens deze lezing plaatst Soetkin Vanhauwaert, assistent conservator van de kunstcollecties van KU Leuven, het befaamde hoofd van Johannes in de kijker en geeft ze betekenis aan dit vaak nog onbekende beeldmotief.
The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts has awarded Wendy Wauters the Mgr. Charles de Clercq prize 2022 for her work “De beroering van de religieuze ruimte. De belevingswereld van kerkgangers in de Antwerpse Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk, ca. 1450-1566”.
Prof. Barbara Baert, associated researcher at Illuminare, is awarded the Warburg-Professur 2023.
A new exhibition and website on the Breviary of Geraardsbergen was launched by the Book Heritage Lab at KU Leuven. The Breviary of St Adrian of Geraardsbergen, nowadays kept at Maredsous Abbey, dates from 1450, when the County of Flanders was in the hands of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy.